Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Filtering, Brewing and Kegging... oh my

Hello all,

To paraphrase A Prairie Home Companion... "It's been a busy few weeks up here at Pennichuck!" Just to let everyone know what has been going on. Well, we've filtered Fireman's Pail, and Halligan, brewed both the next batches of Pozharnik, and BackDraft Chocolate Porter, and Kegged Fireman's Pail. So in the fermenters at this point we have BackDraft, Pozharnik, St. Florian, Balsam's Lager and Pompier. In the bright tank (or it will be after somepoint today) is Halligan.

In other news, we also have plenty of kegs. So ask your favorite bartender to put on Pennichuck. On this note, I have been asked "Hey, I like your beer why isn't at my favorite store, or pub?" There is a simple reason for this, being a small company we do not have sales folks working for us (outside of Ryan in NH) and we rely on the sales reps from the distributors to handle our sales. These guys do a great job, but they are burdened with not only our beer, some of our competitors and friends beers, so we only get so much "face-time" with the beer managers. So what can you, the lovers of Pennichuck do for us. That is a simple solution, just ask for the beer. If you go to your favorite beer store, ask if they carry us, if not, tell them you'd love it if they carried one of our beers (you pick your favorite.) They may ask you to buy some, but they will likely start to carry us. You can do the same thing with bars and pubs. Hey it might work, it is worth a shot, and we'd really appreciate it! Let me know if you have any success with this method.

If I do not get to mention it before then, I hope everyone has a safe and happy Holiday season, whether it be Christmas, Hanukka, Kwanza, or even New Years!



Sean said...

Wow, I just found out you had a blog! I love beer from NH but haven't tried a whole lot of Pennichuck's. I've had Engine Red, and the Vienna lager. Both were great and I'm looking forward to trying more.

Any chance you have a list of places your beers are on tap??


'chuck said...


I know that Strangebrew up in Manchester regularly has our beer on. Our new sales rep for NH, Ryan, is actively working on getting more and more bars to carry our beer.


Sean said...

Just wanted to let you know, I was at the 99 in Londonderry and the confused waitress told me they had a winter beer from Pennichuck on tap.

I ordered a giant mug of the stuff and it came rimmed with brown sugar. MAN WAS IT DELICIOUS. I sure hope it was your winter wye lager, because I loved it!